Kulluna Irada

Dalia has been a member of the Board of Directors of Kulluna Irada since October 2021.

Kulluna Irada is an advocacy group committed to political reform in Lebanon. It believes it can set the foundations of a modern, secure, efficient, sustainable and just state through strong and fair governance. The group is financed exclusively by its members: Lebanese citizens residents and members of the diaspora who want to bring positive change to their country.

The internal governance of Kulluna Irada requires collegial decision making and involves strict rules to avoid any conflict of interest: members of the board have vowed not to run for elections or to participate in any public auction.

Kulluna Irada believes in transparency, accountability and citizen participation as major constituents of good governance. It partners with Lebanese non-governmental organisations active in fields that are of interest. Its goal is not only to expose issues, but also to propose solutions and work toward sustainably implementing them.

Kulluna Irada believes that in order to influence political reform it needs to raise awareness on public issues while actively and constructively working on resolving them. This can be done by engaging constituencies in a holistic way: engaged and concerned citizens, activists, civil society organisations, experts, political parties in opposition, as well as decision makers.